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Carbon Copy Printer  Print to multiple trays and multiple printers page by page or full files

Main Features
1. Supports  Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016,  2019 & 2022
2. 32bit windows and 64bit windows support
3. Works with any physical printer available in windows
4. Works with any regular software you normally print from e.g. Adobe Reader, File menu-->Print
5. Fully automated Carbon Copy printing, silent printing in the background
6. Print to any printer(s) as Carbon Copy, as Page by Page on any Printer Trays and in any order
7. Print to any printer(s) as Carbon Copy, as Full File on any Printer Trays and in any order
8. Change quality of the print, 5 print quality options
9. Print with different sizing options e.g. print to fit, print as is, print with rotation
10. Can use copies option in software for multiple sets
11. Compatible with Batch Printing Software e.g. Batch & Print Pro
12. Print with an optional header or footer page(s) PDF file, conditional options e.g. for certain Trays, Duplex
13. Control Duplex and Simplex printing settings per Tray or Page
14. Filter on Print Job Name for different print setups e.g. 'invoice' to print on an invoice only printer and 'label' for a Label Printer 150% scale
15. Page range printing, reverse page printing, first and last page printing and duplication printing options
16. Create a PDF Copy
17. Drag and drop printing of any file on the program icon directly with a specific setup
18. Full HTML & PDF Help

Last updated November 2024

  Carbon Copy Printer is available for download.
What is Carbon Copy Printer ?      Download

Carbon Copy Printer is a feature rich printer driver that you can print to as a normal printer from any software to any printer, then the print is recreated and sent to your physical printer or printers as multiple tray page by page (Carbon Copy) or full file printing.

Quick and easy setup! Are you looking for a tool that you can easily print to for carbon copy printing on your desired printer without any user intervention?, then this is the easiest and the only unique tool on the market which is specifically designed for this purpose.

Quick and easy setup for any printer, works in the background transparently, works with printing from any software that you usually print from.

Options include Full file printing to multiple printers i.e. Print to Printer A, Printer B & Printer C all at once, Carbon copy printing to multiple trays in any order you like e.g. Page 1 on Tray 1 then Tray 2, then Page 2 on Tray 1 then Tray 2 etc, more than five print quality settings, print resizing options, supports any physical printer in windows, add header and footer pages to the print out per setup/tray/page, simplex and duplex control, filtering on print job name for different setups e.g. 'invoice' to print on a certain printer on two trays, e.g. 'label' in the job name to print on the label printer at 150% scale, Page range printing, reverse page printing, first and last page printing and duplication printing options, create a PDF copy before or after processing and much more.

License includes all v1.xx updates free of charge.

1 license required per machine installed on.

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(click image to enlarge)

Evaluation Restrictions are TRIAL text on the printout

For Windows 7 or greater.  

Carbon Copy Printer



Print to multiple trays at once for multi-copy / carbon copy printing



Page by Page carbon copy printing



Full file printing over many printers



 Print from any software as normal


Fully Automated printing