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Batch & Print Pro Image Addon - Print image files with print options
Main Features
Supports Windows XP, Vista & 2003. 2008, 8 / 8,1, 10, 2012, 2016 &
2. Drag and Drop support of files.
3. Save, Load & Append Lists
4. Print Spooler Sequencing.
6. Supports multiple doc formats, e.g. PDF, DOC, TXT, HTML, BMP,
JPG, GIF + any other associated printable formats.
7. change printer settings during print job.
8. Separator page support.
9. List order organizing Options.
10. Print Scheduler, for automating reports to print at a specified
time on a specified printer.
11. Directory Monitor, that watches folders for documents and
prints them to a specified printer, ideal for automation.
12. Command line options for automation from other applications.
13. Full HTML Help.
& Print Pro IMG Addon
All Add-on's require Batch
& Print Pro v6.00 or above
IMG Add-on 2.03
- last updated Sep 2024
to buy online.
to download the trial version.
See example video
Key Features:
- Supports image
formats BMP, ICON, JPEG, GIF, Exif, PNG, WMF, and EMF
- Set
Header Information
- Set
Footer Information
- Print
fit to page
- Print
stretch to full page
- Print
in the middle of page
- Header
& Footer printing options
- Change
fonts and style of header & footer text
- Flip image
horizontally / vertically
- Auto rotate
image to best fit paper orientation
- Pixel Ratio
- Set text colour
- Set text
- Show printer
information like page size, border size etc.
All these features can be changed throughout the batch
list, they are set on a per file basis.
Header & Footer Details:
- Header
& Footer codes:
- will print the current full filename, i.e. c:\mydir\test.tif
- will print the current filename title, i.e. test.tif
- will print the current filename title without extension, i.e. test
- [CREATEDATE] - File creation date.
- [CAMERATIMETAKEN] - Camera taken date if available.
- Current date / time in parts e.g. [DD] [MM] [YY] [YYYY]
[M] [D] time: [hh] [mm] [ss]
- Current date / time in parts advanced e.g. [DW] day of week [DY]
day of year [DN] day name [ADN] day name abbreviated [MN] month
name [AMN] month name abbreviated [AMPM] AM or PM [ampm] am or
pm [WYS] week of year sunday [WYM] week of year monday
[WD] week day [DEX] day with st, th, rd, nd
- Printing
- Print
Actual size - prints at the image size regardless if it will
fit on the page or not, this will not spawn multi pages per
page, the image will be chopped if it's too big.
- Scale
to page - will take the printer settings page size and scale
to fit best, either on x or y which ever is the largest.
- Stretch
to fit full page - will stretch the image to fit the entire
printer page size selected.
- Print
in the middle of the page - will print the actual or scaled
image in the middle of the page x & y.
- Print
- Flip
image horizontally or vertically
- Auto
rotate image to best fit paper orientation
- Pixel Ratio
- Set
text colour
- Set
text transparency
- Show
printer information like page size, border size etc.
multiple documents with ease.
The Scheduler
Schedule prints to print
automatically to any printer at a specified time of day or month or year.
Directory Monitor
when people drop
files into hot folders on your network Batch & Print Pro will
automatically send them to the correct printer.